Peter Samuelson writes:
> [Peter Lundblad]
> > Another thing is that the API is rather specific to the current way
> > of working.
> [...]
> > I suggest we instead create a new API and then try to implement it in
> > terms of the old one.
> Usually when you rev an API you do the opposite: implement the new API
> directly, and reimplement the old API on top of the new one. So I'm
> curious about why you think this should not be handled that way.
Because in this case, we are not talking about API revision in the usual sense.
We're talking about a more or less completely new set of APIs.
Reworking the old (err, current) WC code in terms of a new API and then trying
to reimplement it on top of that just seems to be a lot of hard work
to me. Normally, compatibility wrappers are very trivial, but I assume
these will not.
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Received on Mon Jan 22 09:26:53 2007