Daniel Rall wrote:
> The --targets option handles roughly half the features provided by
> today's changelist implementation. How --targets is intended to be
> used isn't perfectly clear, though:
> $ svn help ci | grep 'targets arg '
> --targets arg : pass contents of file ARG as additional args
> It would be nice if either --targets or changelist was implemented
> consistently across commands, and if there was a more clear
> distinction on when to use what, and what --targets was really
> intended to do (since it sounds like you can use it to pass arbitary
> arguments).
There was some discussion about the --targets switch several months
back. See http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2006-04/0831.shtml and
surrounding posts.
There was some discussion as to what the behavior of multiple --targets
switches should be, and how the --targets switch should interact with
other arguments. In the end, nothing really happened with it.
Received on Tue Jan 16 23:22:54 2007