I hate to bring this up at so late a date, but Stefan Küng's recent mail
reminded me of it.
At some point in the past, I was out in San Francisco for business and
chatting with a number of Subversion committers -- Karl, Garrett,
possibly Dan Rall, and maybe someone else... I can't recall. Anyway, as
we were walking north on Dolores, the topic of the changelist feature
came up, and my recollection was that we all pretty much agreed that, as
written, it didn't actually solve any interesting problem that didn't
already have a simple (albeit mildly annoying) workaround, and that the
feature and its maintenance were, by and large, unjustifiable baggage.
Now, opinions may have changed since then, so I don't want to come
across like a spokesman for whoever it was I was walking with at the
time. But if we release this feature in 1.5, it will be incredibly
difficult to unrelease it later. So I want to make sure that we have
actively decided that the feature is a good thing, and more importantly,
a good enough to thing to support.
My opinion is pretty easy to express: nice idea, but solves only the
very most minor of use-cases that surround the scenario of working on
multiple changesets in a single working copy at the same time. And I'm
concerned about the possibility of the existing feature getting in the
way of what would *really* be useful, which is moving the granularity of
a changelist from per-file to per-diff-hunk or per-line.
If the community is cool with the feature as it stands, fantastic.
Obviously, this isn't MikeVersion. But I just don't get the impression
that the votes for it thus far have been anything other than +/-0. Is
anyone using this feature?
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on Tue Jan 16 20:29:28 2007