Hi list,
I'm working on customizing an open source project for specific needs,
and so, after long research on how to handle that sort of projects with
SVN, I did a vendor branch, as it is described in the svn book. I was by
the way astonished to see that SVN couldn't handle the merge between two
different repositories.
So I firstly tried the "svn_load_dirs.pl" method, but was rapidly
deceived because it doesn't handle the SVN moves alone.
I then found "svn-import.py" by astrand
(http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2006-10/0857.shtml), but it still
didn't handle the moves automatically.
So I decided to create my own tool to handle that, and I decided to send
it back to all of you, hoping that it could help someone else in the
same case.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Inspired from svn-import.py by astrand_at_cendio.se (ref : http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2006-10/0857.shtml)
# svn-merge-vendor.py - Import a new release, such as a vendor drop.
# The "Vendor branches" chapter of "Version Control with Subversion"
# describes how to do a new vendor drop with:
# >The goal here is to make our current directory contain only the
# >libcomplex 1.1 code, and to ensure that all that code is under version
# >control. Oh, and we want to do this with as little version control
# >history disturbance as possible.
# This utility tries to take you to this goal - automatically. Files
# new in this release is added to version control, and files removed
# in this new release are removed from version control.
# It will detect the moved files by looking in the svn log to find the "copied-from" path !
# Compared to svn_load_dirs.pl, this utility:
# * Does not hard-code commit messages
# * Allows you to fine-tune the import before commit, which
# allows you to turn adds+deletes into moves.
# TODO :
# * support --username and --password
import os
import re
import tempfile
import atexit
import subprocess
import shutil
import sys
import getopt
from StringIO import StringIO
from lxml import etree
import types
class _VerboseWriter:
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
self.verbose = verbose
def write(self, data):
if self.verbose:
prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
orig_svn_subroot = None
base_copied_paths = []
r_from = None
r_to = None
log_tree = None
entries_to_treat = []
entries_to_delete = []
def del_temp_tree(tmpdir):
"""Delete tree, standring in the root"""
print >>sys.stderr, "Deleting tmpdir "+tmpdir
except OSError:
print >>sys.stderr, " ! Couldn't delete tmpdir %s. Don't forget to remove it manually." % (tmpdir)
def checkout(url, revision=None):
"""Checks out the given URL at the given revision, using HEAD if not defined. Returns the working copy directory"""
# Create a temp dir to hold our working copy
wc_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prog_name)
atexit.register(del_temp_tree, wc_dir)
if (revision):
url += "@"+revision
# Check out
print >>sys.stderr, "Checking out "+url+" to "+wc_dir
returncode = call_cmd(["svn", "checkout", url, wc_dir])
if (returncode == 1):
return None
return wc_dir
def merge(wc_dir, revision_from, revision_to):
"""Merges repo_url from revision revision_from to revision revision_to into wc_dir"""
print >>sys.stderr, "Merging between revisions %s and %s into %s" % (wc_dir, revision_from, revision_to)
return call_cmd(["svn", "merge", "-r", revision_from+":"+revision_to, wc_dir])
def treat_status(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir):
"""Copies modification from official vendor branch to wc"""
print >>sys.stderr, "Copying modification from official vendor branch %s to wc %s" % (wc_dir_orig, wc_dir)
status_tree = call_cmd_xml_tree_out(["svn", "status", "--xml"])
global entries_to_treat, entries_to_delete
entries_to_treat = status_tree.xpath("/status/target/entry")
entries_to_delete = []
while len(entries_to_treat) > 0:
entry = entries_to_treat.pop(0)
entry_type = get_entry_type(entry)
file = get_entry_path(entry)
if entry_type == 'added':
if is_entry_copied(entry):
check_exit(copy(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file), "Error during copy")
check_exit(add(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file), "Error during add")
elif entry_type == 'deleted':
elif entry_type == 'modified':
check_exit(update(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file), "Error during update")
print >> sys.stderr, " Status not understood : '%s' not supported (file : %s)" % (entry_type, file)
# We then treat the left deletions
for entry in entries_to_delete:
check_exit(delete(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, get_entry_path(entry)), "Error during delete")
return 0
def get_entry_type(entry):
return get_xml_text_content(entry, "wc-status/@item")
def get_entry_path(entry):
return get_xml_text_content(entry, "@path")
def is_entry_copied(entry):
return get_xml_text_content(entry, "wc-status/@copied") == 'true'
def copy(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file):
print >>sys.stderr, "A+ %s" % (file)
# Retreiving the original URL
info_tree = call_cmd_xml_tree_out(["svn", "info", "--xml", os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file)])
url = get_xml_text_content(info_tree, "/info/entry/url")
# Detecting original svn root
global orig_svn_subroot
if not orig_svn_subroot:
orig_svn_root = get_xml_text_content(info_tree, "/info/entry/repository/root")
#print >>sys.stderr, "url : %s" % (url)
sub_url = url.split(orig_svn_root)[-1]
sub_url = os.path.normpath(sub_url)
#print >>sys.stderr, "sub_url : %s" % (sub_url)
if sub_url.startswith(os.path.sep):
sub_url = sub_url[1:]
orig_svn_subroot = '/'+sub_url.split(file)[0].replace(os.path.sep, '/')
#print >>sys.stderr, "orig_svn_subroot : %s" % (orig_svn_subroot)
global log_tree
if not log_tree:
# Detecting original file copy path
orig_svn_root_subroot = get_xml_text_content(info_tree, "/info/entry/repository/root") + orig_svn_subroot
real_from = str(int(r_from)+1)
print >>sys.stderr, "Retreiving log of the original trunk %s between revisions %s and %s ..." % (orig_svn_root_subroot, real_from, r_to)
log_tree = call_cmd_xml_tree_out(["svn", "log", "--xml", "-v", "-r", "%s:%s" % (real_from, r_to), orig_svn_root_subroot])
orig_url_file = orig_svn_subroot+file.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
#print >>sys.stderr, " orig_url_file : %s" % (orig_url_file)
while orig_url_file and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wc_dir, convert_relative_url_to_path(orig_url_file))):
orig_url_file = get_xml_text_content(log_tree, "//path[(@action='R' or @action='A') and text()='%s']/@copyfrom-path" % (orig_url_file))
#print >>sys.stderr, " orig_url_file : %s" % (orig_url_file)
global base_copied_paths
if not orig_url_file or convert_relative_url_to_path(orig_url_file) == file:
# Check if the file is within a recently copied path
for path in base_copied_paths:
if file.startswith(path):
print >>sys.stderr, " ! The path to add is a sub-path of recently copied %s. Ignoring the A+." % (path)
return 0
# Simple add the file
print >>sys.stderr, " ! Log paths for the given file not correspond with any file in the wc. Will do a simple A."
return add(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file)
# We catch the relative URL for the original file
orig_file = convert_relative_url_to_path(orig_url_file)
#print >>sys.stderr, " svn copy %s %s" % (os.path.join(wc_dir, orig_file), os.path.join(wc_dir, file))
# Detect if it's a move
cmd = 'copy'
global entries_to_treat, entries_to_delete
if search_and_remove_delete_entry(entries_to_treat, orig_file) or search_and_remove_delete_entry(entries_to_delete, orig_file):
# It's a move, removing the delete, and treating it as a move
cmd = 'move'
print >>sys.stderr, " %s from %s" % (cmd, orig_url_file)
returncode = call_cmd(["svn", cmd, os.path.join(wc_dir, orig_file), os.path.join(wc_dir, file)])
if returncode == 0:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(wc_dir, orig_file)):
# Copy the last version of the file from the original repository
shutil.copy(os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file), os.path.join(wc_dir, file))
return returncode
def search_and_remove_delete_entry(entries, orig_file):
for entry in entries:
if get_entry_type(entry) == 'deleted' and get_entry_path(entry) == orig_file:
return True
return False
def convert_relative_url_to_path(url):
global orig_svn_subroot
return os.path.normpath(url.split(orig_svn_subroot)[-1])
def add(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file):
print >>sys.stderr, "A %s" % (file)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(wc_dir, file)):
print >>sys.stderr, " ! Target file already exists. Will do a simple M"
return update(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file)):
return call_cmd(["svn", "mkdir", file])
shutil.copy(os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file), os.path.join(wc_dir, file))
return call_cmd(["svn", "add", file])
def delete(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file):
print >>sys.stderr, "D %s" % (file)
if not os.path.exists(file):
print >>sys.stderr, " ! Target file doesn't exist. Ignoring D."
return 0
return call_cmd(["svn", "delete", file])
def update(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir, file):
print >>sys.stderr, "M %s" % (file)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file)):
print >>sys.stderr, " ! Target is a directory. Ignoring M."
return 0
shutil.copy(os.path.join(wc_dir_orig, file), os.path.join(wc_dir, file))
return 0
def fine_tune(wc_dir):
"""Gives the user a chance to fine-tune"""
alert(["If you want to fine-tune import, do so in working copy located at : %s" % (wc_dir),
"When done, press Enter to commit, or Ctrl-C to abort."])
def alert(messages):
"""Wait the user to <ENTER> or abort the program"""
for message in messages:
print >> sys.stderr, message
return sys.stdin.readline()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def commit(wc_dir, message):
"""Commits the wc_dir"""
cmd = ["svn", "commit"]
if (message):
cmd += ["-m", message]
return call_cmd(cmd)
def tag_wc(repo_url, current, tag, message):
"""Tags the wc_dir"""
cmd = ["svn", "copy"]
if (message):
cmd += ["-m", message]
return call_cmd(cmd + [repo_url+"/"+current, repo_url+"/"+tag])
def call_cmd(cmd):
return subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=sys.stderr)#subprocess.STDOUT)
def call_cmd_out(cmd):
#print >>sys.stderr, " > "+" ".join(cmd)
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr).stdout
def call_cmd_str_out(cmd):
out = call_cmd_out(cmd)
str_out = ""
for line in out.readlines():
str_out += line
return str_out
def call_cmd_xml_tree_out(cmd):
return etree.parse(StringIO(call_cmd_str_out(cmd)))
def get_xml_text_content(xml_doc, xpath):
result_nodes = xml_doc.xpath(xpath)
if result_nodes:
if type(result_nodes[0]) == types.StringType:
return result_nodes[0]
return result_nodes[0].text
return None
def usage(error = None):
"""Print usage message and exit"""
print >>sys.stderr, """%s: Merges the difference between two revisions of the original repository of the vendor, to the vendor branch
- REPO_URL : repository URL for the vendor branch (i.e: http://svn.example.com/repos/vendor/libcomplex)
- CURRENT_PATH : relative path to the current folder (i.e: current)
- ORIGINAL_REPO_URL : original base repository URL
- N:M : from revision N to revision M
This command executes these steps:
1. Check out directory specified by ORIGINAL_REPO_URL@N in a temporary directory.(1)
2. Merges changes to revision M.(1)
3. Check out directory specified by REPO_URL in a second temporary directory.(2)
4. Treat the merge by "svn status" on the working copy of ORIGINAL_REPO_URL. If the history is kept ('+' when svn st), do a move instead of a delete / add.
5. Allow user to fine-tune import.
6. Commit.
7. Optionally tag new release.
8. Delete the temporary directories.
(1) : if -c wasn't passed
(2) : if -w wasn't passed
Valid options:
-r [--revision] N:M : specify revisions N to M
-h [--help] : show this usage
-t [--tag] arg : copy new release to directory ARG, relative to REPO_URL,
using automatic commit message. Example:
-t ../0.42
--non-interactive : do no interactive prompting, do not allow manual fine-tune
-m [--message] arg : specify commit message ARG
-v [--verbose] : verbose mode
-c [--merged-vendor] arg : working copy path of the original already merged vendor trunk (skips the steps 1. and 2.)
-w [--current-wc] arg : working copy path of the current checked out trunk of the vendor branch (skips the step 3.)
""" % ((prog_name,) * 2)
if error:
print >>sys.stder, "", "Current error : "+error
def main():
tag = None
message = None
interactive = 1
global verbosew
verbosew = _VerboseWriter()
revision_to_parse = None
merged_vendor = None
wc_dir = None
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ht:m:vr:c:w:",
["help", "tag", "message", "non-interactive", "verbose", "revision", "merged-vendor", "current-wc"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# print help information and exit:
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if o in ("-t", "--tag"):
tag = a
if o in ("-m", "--message"):
message = a
if o in ("--non-interactive"):
interactive = 0
if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
verbosew.verbose = 1
if o in ("-r", "--revision"):
revision_to_parse = a
if o in ("-c", "--merged-vendor"):
merged_vendor = a
if o in ("-w", "--current-wc"):
wc_dir = a
if len(args) != 3:
repo_url, current_path, orig_repo_url = args[0:3]
if (not revision_to_parse):
usage("the revision numbers are mendatory")
global r_from, r_to
r_from, r_to = re.match("(\d+):(\d+)", revision_to_parse).groups()
if not r_from or not r_to:
usage("the revision numbers are mendatory")
r_from_int = int(r_from)
r_to_int = int(r_to)
except ValueError:
usage("the revision parameter is not a number")
if r_from >= r_to:
usage("the 'from revision' must be inferior to the 'to revision'")
if not merged_vendor:
if orig_repo_url.startswith("http://"):
wc_dir_orig = checkout(orig_repo_url, r_from)
check_exit(wc_dir_orig, "Error during checkout")
check_exit(merge(wc_dir_orig, r_from, r_to), "Error during merge")
usage("ORIGINAL_REPO_URL must start with 'http://'")
wc_dir_orig = merged_vendor
if not wc_dir:
wc_dir = checkout(repo_url+"/"+current_path)
check_exit(wc_dir, "Error during checkout")
check_exit(treat_status(wc_dir_orig, wc_dir), "Error during resolving")
if (interactive):
if not message:
message = "New vendor version, upgrading from revision %s to revision %s" % (r_from, r_to)
alert(["No message was specified to commit, the program will use that default one : '%s'" % (message),
"Press Enter to commit, or Ctrl-C to abort."])
check_exit(commit(wc_dir, message), "Error during commit")
if tag:
if not message:
message = "Tag %s, when upgrading the vendor branch from revision %s to revision %s" % (tag, r_from, r_to)
alert(["No message was specified to tag, the program will use that default one : '%s'" % (message),
"Press Enter to tag, or Ctrl-C to abort."])
check_exit(tag_wc(repo_url, current_path, tag, message), "Error during tag")
print >>sys.stderr, "Vendor branch merged, passed from %s to %s !" % (r_from, r_to)
def check_exit(returncode, message):
if (returncode is None or returncode == 1):
print >>sys.stderr, message
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (os.name == "nt"):
DEVNULL = open("nul:", "w")
DEVNULL = open("/dev/null", "w")
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Received on Fri Dec 1 17:57:21 2006