Ionel GARDAIS wrote:
> I think the question was : even with a plain text file, isn't a 10000's
> entry configuration file is a bit huge to parse ?
John Peacock wrote:
> Yes, but that isn't what was suggested. You could use mod_perl to loop
> over a database of thousands of records and create the appropriate
> configuration, in memory, for Apache to serve up.
> The LocationMatch method seems like it would be nicer, but I suspect
> that mod_rewrite or mod_alias (see AliasMatch) would have to be used to
> actually rewrite the URL's (I don't see any evidence that the regex in
> LocationMatch can be substituted).
-- Ok, here's what I don't understand... in the mod_perl approach, wouldn't
the mod query the database only once - during startup, and load all the
configuration into memory -- and as Ionel (and I) have said in the past,
wouldn't this amount of configuration be slow and take up a tremendous
amount of ram?
Or does the mod_perl approach do the opposite: querying the database on each
request, thus reducing the number of configurations needing to be processed
per request?
-- Secondly, how does mod_rewrite or mod_alias help? The URL's don't need to
change - it's the path to the repositories and arguments to mod_authz_svn
that need to be dynamic...
Thanks, Jay
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Received on Thu Sep 21 20:51:51 2006