On 9/16/06, Malcolm Rowe <malcolm-svn-dev@farside.org.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 06:59:22AM -0700, rooneg@tigris.org wrote:
> > Remove note about lack of Python 2.4 bindings for Windows, as we have
> > some now.
> >
> > -<p>Please do not ask about <strong>Python 2.4</strong> bindings for
> > -Windows. <a
> > -href="http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=101731"
> > ->This message</a> explains why.</p>
> > -</div>
> > -
> So, er, how _did_ we resolve the problem? (which basically boiled down to
> "we can't ship Python 2.4 bindings, because VS.NET [used by the Python
> 2.4 win32 distro] and MSVC [used by the Apache win32 distro] use different
> (i.e. incompatible) runtime libraries")
> Regards,
> Malcolm
If there was a problem in the past, there doesn't seem to be one now.
The bindings were built with VC6 and tested and worked as expected.
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Received on Sat Sep 16 15:54:31 2006