"Fernandes, Filipe (Bolton)" <ffernandes@husky.ca> wrote on 09/15/2006
09:29:48 AM:
> Just a question... last I heard about the takeover feature was in
> August and that they're might have been some future debate on its
> use (ie. command line switches). I haven't been following this too
> closely but definitely would find this to be of great use.
Hello Filipe,
The code was committed to trunk in early August. It's not called takeover
anymore - you can dig through the threads on "takeover" if you are curious
about the gory details as to why http://svn.haxx.se/dev/...
...But at the moment the 'functionality-previously-known-as-takeover' is
implemented with the --force option for svn checkout, update, and switch.
Previously --force was unused for these three subcommands. Please note
that by the time 1.5 arrives this functionality may be tied to another
option as there is still some debate about using --force.
Also, different people had differing expectations of what "takeover" would
do, what eventually made it into the code is the following:
Support --force option with svn checkout, update, and switch.
With the force option, co, sw, and up now tolerate unversioned
obstructing paths when adding new paths of the same type, rather than
generating a SVN_ERR_WC_OBSTRUCTED_UPDATE error.
If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the
corresponding path in the repository it will be left 'as-is' in the
working copy. For directories this simply means the obstruction is
tolerated. For files, any content differences between the obstruction
and the repository are treated like a local modification to the
working copy.
This patch is an expansion of one originally posted by Jonathan Gilbert
<o2w9gs702@sneakemail.com> against the 1.2.0 tag. See the various
"Takeover" threads on the dev mailing list.
If that isn't clear let me know and I can clarify further.
> Do you know what feature release it might be deployed in (1.5 or 2.0?)
1.5 is the plan, but before you ask, I don't know when that will be :-)
Hope that helps,
Paul B.
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Received on Fri Sep 15 15:53:40 2006