SVN does not allow checking out parent dir if its child dir has been checked out
From: Chen锛堥檲锛? Jun锛堝啗锛? <>
Date: 2006-09-06 13:42:33 CEST
I'm using Subversion 1.3.0 (r17949) on Windows 2000 SP4.
Assume that I have a repository at h:/temp/SvnReps/ChjTrivials , and the
Now, I issue the command:
SVN outputs:
The checkout is success, and I have what I want in C:/ChjTrivials/ichisze
But, when I further issue the following command:
SVN outputs:
already exists
Why!!! For the second command, I just want to checkout the parent directory
of what the first command had checked out, and it could not cause any local
copy conflict if the second checkout is allowed. Why SVN prohibit that?
Why this make me mad? I'm developing a GNUmake-featured make system that
out a child dir then its parent dir is not a problem, but when I upgrade my
make system to support checkout from SVN these days, I found this anonying
Do you kind guys have the same experience as I and any solution to this?
BTW: SVN 1.3.2 (r19776) exhibits the same behavior.
I first posted this problem on
for more discussions already existed.
Later, I posted this question to for two weeks,
Chen Jun
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