I'm looking for a description of the format used by Subversion's dumpfiles.
I haven't found very much documentation on it, but from what I've seen in
dumpfiles from my own repository, it looks something like this:
1) dumpfile format version
2) repository UUID (if available)
3) Revision headers in RFC-822 header format (ie, log message, author, date,
revision #)
After that, each node in the repository is dumped with roughly the following
a) node path, type, action in RFC-822 header format
b) integer lengths for content and properties, and a checksum for the
content in RFC-822 header format
c) key-value pairs for each property, as below, where the numbers denote the
length of the field value
K 14
V 1
d) the 'PROPS-END' delimiter
e) node content, if any
Am I missing anything? Is there a format design document I can consult? I'm
a little worried about how particularly the parser is about whitespaces
etc., particularly between node dumps. For the root directory (ie,
'Node-path: '), I've also been getting 'file already exists' messages when
loading into the repository. I've checked to make sure the node-path isn't
repeated elsewhere in the dumpfile, and it isn't.
Any pointers much appreciated. Thanks,
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Received on Sat Aug 12 19:16:47 2006