On 8/10/06, C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net> wrote:
> Sorry, but I oppose this. The editor is a mechanism for transforming
> versioned trees, not transactions, not revisions. There isn't anything to
> date in the editor that ties it to the idea that it is modifying a
> transaction instead of just "some tree", and I see no reason to change that.
> Extending the editor is *not* the "only sane design". For example, look at
> what svn_ra_get_commit_editor does today with respect to the commit log
> message -- it accepts it as direct input and passes that data over the wire
> out-of-band with respect to the editor drive. Why not just drop the
> 'log_msg' parameter from this function, and replace it with a generic
> 'txn_props' hash?
One potential issue here is that you have to know the props before you
start the editor drive. I know at least one person has asked about
the possibility of determining the log message later on in the commit
process (although I can't for the life of me recall why), so it might
be desireable to provide a means that allows for the props to be
specified later on.
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Received on Thu Aug 10 16:06:51 2006