dionisos@tigris.org writes:
> Modified:
> trunk/subversion/libsvn_wc/diff.c
> Log:
> Fix issue 2583: diff tmp files shouldn't *require* write access to .svn/tmp.
> Note: There's a better way to fix this: add a flag to svn_wc_translated_file2,
> but, that can't be backported to 1.4.1, so I'm committing this first.
> After backport, we can improve the situation.
When you say "add a flag", do you mean add a new bit for the bitmask
parameter 'apr_uint32_t flags', or do you mean add a whole new parameter?
If the former, I'm not sure what our compatibility policy is on adding
a new bit, but presumably it should be allowed in at least some
circumstances -- otherwise what's the point of using a bitmask? :-)
Specifically, IMHO it should be allowed when the presence of the bit
causes an *improved* behavior for which the non-improved version
(i.e., the behavior you get when the bit is simply ignored) is no
worse than the status quo before the new bit was added.
If the latter, then why not just create svn_wc_translated_file3()?
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Received on Mon Jul 31 19:11:31 2006