On 7/19/06, Thomas Hruska <thruska@cubiclesoft.com> wrote:
> This tool allows me to copy just the files of a large WC to my laptop in
> 3 seconds or less from my PC - including all changes. Then I can take
> this anywhere - a meeting, lunch, outside, a business trip, etc. When I
> return, I use SVNCopy again to copy the WC back to the PC from the
> laptop - again only taking a couple seconds. Neither of these
> operations consumes a revision.
> If someone accidentally edits both WCs, SVNCopy attempts to merge/sync
> the two WCs before performing the main operation. Essentially, it is
> unlikely to fail in even accidental editing scenarios.
> I'm willing to share my source code if this is a feature you guys are
> interested in developing into an API that will be able to trickle down
> to TSVN. A couple of commercial companies that I've approached that use
> TSVN are quite interested in SVNCopy and a number of developers are
> already using it. Essentially, SVNCopy makes it possible to create
> "mobile WCs".
> Given that this is just a proof-of-concept tool and is already
> moderately popular, I would love to see something similar show up in
> Subversion and ultimately TortoiseSVN as an official feature.
This sounds like a very useful tool! How does it work?
Do you sync the raw files only, or do you also sync the working copy
metadata (i.e. the files in the .svn metadirs)? How do you identify
which files are modified in the WC, and in the .svn dirs? For files
which are identified as modified, do you simply copy them over, or do
you do block-by-block synchronization ala rsync?
You mentioned that your tool supports automatic merging of WCs that
are edited on both machines. How do you deal with the case where the
same file is modified on both machines?
David James -- http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~james
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Received on Fri Jul 21 19:39:13 2006