Max Bowsher wrote:
>>The AuthBaton stuff in is more of a thought experiment than
>>anything, thinking about whether I want to separately wrap Subversion
>>auth_baton objects in a Python class. Auth batons include a "parameter"
>>map which is an apr_hash_t whole values vary in type depending on what
>>key you look up; thus the calls to (nonexistent) helpers which would try
>>to sort that out and marshal to Python in some mostly-sane manner. Still
>>no decision on whether this makes sense/is important enough to justify
>>building/is possible to do sanely given the lack of strong typing
>>guarantees on the auth parameters.
> Given the lack of general typing guarantees, I think the only thing you
> can sensibly do is only support access to auth parameters whose type you
> know about, and throw an exception on an attempt to set or get a
> parameter that the bindings code has not yet been explicitly taught about.
This area of our core code has troubled me in the past when working with the
Python bindings. There really is no reason for that hash to permit
arbitrary value types, and I'd like to see us rev the auth_baton interface
(again, in the Subversion core libraries) such that the hash is a simple
string->string mapping.
C. Michael Pilato <>
CollabNet <> <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on Mon Jul 10 18:50:21 2006