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Re: Failing tests Darwin/Debian

From: Ben Reser <ben_at_reser.org>
Date: 2006-05-28 08:56:16 CEST

On 5/27/06, Philip Martin <philip@codematters.co.uk> wrote:
> Libtool in Debian (and Ubuntu?) is patched to reduce indirect
> dependencies, but this introduces other problems see
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=320698
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=291641

Same exact failure in OS X with their libtool or a stock libtool.
Doesn't matter.

> However this usually causes a failed link, not the testsuite failure
> reported here. Are you seeing some other problem? Perhaps you are
> configuring Subversion with --enable-dso? That certainly makes it
> hard to run the test suite since Subversion's DSO code tries to load
> the dynamic ra/fs modules from the installed directory.

Neither of us were using dso. In fact DSO doesn't even work right on
OS X because the hard coded lib names are wrong. Oddly enough we
still let people turn it on OS X. But that's a whole different issue.

> I'm not really an expert on the build.conf stuff, but I think that
> affects the order of the libraries on the svnsync link line. I don't
> think it affects the build order since libsvn_ra and libsvn_delta both
> already depend on libsvn_subr.


> Can you say why that fixes your problem? Does it alter the NEEDED or RPATH
> in the svnsync binary? Using 'objdump -x cmd' or 'LD_DEBUG=libs cmd' might
> help to see whats happening.

For whatever reason unless I use the ordering that's in the patch the
dynamic linker loads two sets of the libsvn_subr, libsvn_fs_fs and
libsvn_delta libraries. Despite a lot of digging I can't determine
why it is doing that. Even using the tools to try and tell me what it
is doing.

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Received on Sun May 28 08:56:48 2006

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