Taylor, Richard wrote:
> Hi,
> I was searching for information about checkout filtering can found this
> posting.
> http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2005-09/0384.shtml
> The proposal to have filtering based on properties is exactly what we need.
> checkout --filter 'platform=WinPc'
> We use SVN to store binary data accross a number of platforms. Atm everybody
> has to check out all the data which is many 10's of gigabytes. The ability
> to checkout just the generic data + target platform data would make a big
> different to update and commit speeds which atm are really quite poor.
You can accomplish this through careful arrangement of your data tree.
Let's say you have a tree of stuff called 'common', and then your
"platform-specific" stuff ('win32', 'macosx', 'linux'). You can arrange
your tree like so:
/common # has the common bits
/win32 # empty directory
/linux # empty directory
/macosx # empty directory
/win32 # has the win32 bits
/linux # has the linux bits
/macosx # has the macosx bits
Now, your checkout instructions for folks on plaform FOO are:
svn checkout http://.../trunk/src my-working-copy
svn switch my-working-copy/FOO http://.../trunk/platforms/FOO
The result is a working copy that has the common stuff, the
platform-specific stuff, plus empty directories for all the platforms that
this user doesn't care about.
(We do this at CollabNet, not for platform-specific needs, but based on
whether or not a user wants to build one of our 130+ components from source
or just grab the latest "prebuilt" package for that component.)
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on Fri May 12 14:52:45 2006