Garrett Rooney <> wrote:
>> Since we're at it, any chance "svn log" and/or "svn info" could grow
>> peg-rev support? Currently, the question "what happened to the file
>> that was called foo.c in r1234" can't easily be answered in any
>> way, with the command line client.
>> They'd be extremely useful to as well, since it goes
>> nuts if you rename a branch now, and it just can't be fixed.
> I believe Dan Rall added support for that to svn log already. Not
> sure about info.
It looks like "svn info" support for peg-revs was added in r13144 (but the help
screen doesn't explicitally mention its support). Anyway, there's probably
something broken:
rasky@trinity:~/src$ svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs prova
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn mkdir file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1 -m"dir1"
Committed revision 1.
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn mv file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1
file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir2 -m"dir2"
Committed revision 2.
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn info file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1
file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1: (Not a valid URL)
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn info file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1_at_1
Path: dir1
URL: file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1
Repository Root: file:///home/rasky/src/prova
Repository UUID: e9443c2f-090c-0410-bbdb-a4e7e9618425
Revision: 1
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: rasky
Last Changed Rev: 1
Last Changed Date: 2006-02-05 10:58:32 +0100 (Sun, 05 Feb 2006)
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn info -r2 file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1_at_1
svn: File not found: revision 2, path '/dir1'
rasky_at_trinity:~/src$ svn info -r1 file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir2
Path: dir1
URL: file:///home/rasky/src/prova/dir1
Repository Root: file:///home/rasky/src/prova
Repository UUID: e9443c2f-090c-0410-bbdb-a4e7e9618425
Revision: 1
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: rasky
Last Changed Rev: 1
Last Changed Date: 2006-02-05 10:58:32 +0100 (Sun, 05 Feb 2006)
I would have expected "svn info -r2 file:///.../dir1_at_1" to answer the question
"how is dir1 called nowadays", but it doesn't seem to work. CC'ing Sussman as
he initally introduced svn info URL (with pegrev) support.
Giovanni Bajo
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Received on Sat May 6 10:45:44 2006