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memory leaks in ruby bindings

From: Warren Konkel <wkonkel_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-05-02 02:42:24 CEST

I've been playing around with the ruby bindings for a while and I've found
some memory leaking issues. I'm using subversion 1.3.1 (not trunk) and I'm
hoping somebody can add some insight into why this code causes a memory

require 'svn/repos'
require 'svn/client'
repo = Svn::Repos.open('/usr/local/subversion/bs')
(1..10000).each {
  puts "pools left: " +

When I run this code, I get:

pools left: 7
pools left: 8
pools left: 9
pools left: 10
pools left: 11
pools left: 12
pools left: 13
pools left: 14
pools left: 15
pools left: 16
pools left: 17
pools left: 18
pools left: 19
pools left: 20
pools left: 21
pools left: 22
pools left: 23

If I move the "repo = Svn::Repos.open('/usr/local/subversion/bs')" line
inside the loop (so it destroys the repo object and re-creates it every
iteration), then it doesn't leak and stays at a constant:

pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7
pools left: 7

Can anybody provide some insight?

Received on Tue May 2 02:42:44 2006

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