Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [eg]
>> How about adding the ability to "safely" shutdown svnserve. By
>> safely, I mean no chance of data loss or repository corruption.
> Would it be sufficient to stop accepting new connections, finish
> whatever is in progress, then die? Without looking at the svnserve
> code in any detail, that sounds like a rather small project.
> If you want to be able to interrupt current transactions immediately,
> clean them up reliably, then die, that would be a lot less trivial.
Given that most of that support is already in svnserve now -- it was
part of the change that added native Windows service support, and it
involves simply closing the listening socket when an appropriate signal
is caught -- i'd estimate it as about two days' work to port it so using
POSIX signals.
-- Brane
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Received on Thu Apr 20 09:23:53 2006