We have a Windows box serving svn through mod_dav_svn and authenticating
using mod_auth_sspi. It seems to be working well, except that the
svn:author property ends up having the windows domain name in it which
looks a little ugly. Maybe I've got things set up wrongly and someone
can correct my setup, but until then I have written a hook that strips
the domainname from svn:author.
I say written, but its actually shamelessly stolen log-police.py that
I've hacked slightly as my first attempt at python coding (so be gentle
with me please).
Thought I'd share it in case others are interested,
# author-police.py: Ensure that log messages end with a single newline.
# See usage() function for details, or just run with no arguments.
import os
import sys
import getopt
import string
import svn
import svn.fs
import svn.repos
import svn.core
# Pretend we have true booleans on older python versions
True = 1
False = 0
def fix_author(author):
"""Strips the domain information from the beginning of an author."""
index = author.find("\\")
author = author[index+1:]
return author
def fix_txn(fs, txn_name):
"Fix up the log message for txn TXN_NAME in FS. See fix_log_author()."
txn = svn.fs.svn_fs_open_txn(fs, txn_name)
old_author = svn.fs.svn_fs_txn_prop(txn, "svn:author")
if old_author is not None:
new_author = fix_author(old_author)
if new_author != old_author:
svn.fs.svn_fs_change_txn_prop(txn, "svn:author", new_author)
def fix_rev(fs, revnum):
"Fix up the log message for revision REVNUM in FS. See fix_log_author()."
old_author = svn.fs.svn_fs_revision_prop(fs, revnum, 'svn:author')
if old_author is not None:
new_author = fix_author(old_author)
if new_author != old_author:
svn.fs.svn_fs_change_rev_prop(fs, revnum, "svn:author", new_author)
def usage_and_exit(error_msg=None):
"""Write usage information and exit. If ERROR_MSG is provide, that
error message is printed first (to stderr), the usage info goes to
stderr, and the script exits with a non-zero status. Otherwise,
usage info goes to stdout and the script exits with a zero status."""
import os.path
stream = error_msg and sys.stderr or sys.stdout
if error_msg:
stream.write("ERROR: %s\n\n" % error_msg)
stream.write("USAGE: %s [-t TXN_NAME | -r REV_NUM | --all-revs] REPOS\n"
% (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
Ensure that log messages end with exactly one newline and no other
whitespace characters. Use as a pre-commit hook by passing '-t TXN_NAME';
fix up a single revision by passing '-r REV_NUM'; fix up all revisions by
passing '--all-revs'. (When used as a pre-commit hook, may modify the
svn:log property on the txn.)
sys.exit(error_msg and 1 or 0)
def main(ignored_pool, argv):
repos_path = None
txn_name = None
rev_name = None
all_revs = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 't:r:h?', ["help", "all-revs"])
usage_and_exit("problem processing arguments / options.")
for opt, value in opts:
if opt == '--help' or opt == '-h' or opt == '-?':
elif opt == '-t':
txn_name = value
elif opt == '-r':
rev_name = value
elif opt == '--all-revs':
all_revs = True
usage_and_exit("unknown option '%s'." % opt)
if txn_name is not None and rev_name is not None:
usage_and_exit("cannot pass both -t and -r.")
if txn_name is not None and all_revs:
usage_and_exit("cannot pass --all-revs with -t.")
if rev_name is not None and all_revs:
usage_and_exit("cannot pass --all-revs with -r.")
if rev_name is None and txn_name is None and not all_revs:
usage_and_exit("must provide exactly one of -r, -t, or --all-revs.")
if len(args) != 1:
usage_and_exit("only one argument allowed (the repository).")
# svn_path_canonicalize doesn't seem to work from a stock 1.3.0 on windows
# repos_path = svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(args[0])
repos_path = args[0]
# A non-bindings version of this could be implemented by calling out
# to 'svnlook getlog' and 'svnadmin setlog'. However, using the
# bindings results in much simpler code.
fs = svn.repos.svn_repos_fs(svn.repos.svn_repos_open(repos_path))
if txn_name is not None:
fix_txn(fs, txn_name)
elif rev_name is not None:
fix_rev(fs, int(rev_name))
elif all_revs:
# Do it such that if we're running on a live repository, we'll
# catch up even with commits that came in after we started.
last_youngest = 0
while True:
youngest = svn.fs.svn_fs_youngest_rev(fs)
if youngest >= last_youngest:
for this_rev in range(last_youngest, youngest + 1):
fix_rev(fs, this_rev)
last_youngest = youngest + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(svn.core.run_app(main, sys.argv))
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Received on Thu Mar 16 16:06:42 2006