On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 18:21 +0000, Joe Orton wrote:
> And also the
> APR-util major version if you want to be pedantic, per previous mail.
I wasn't convinced; APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE is a constant "fixed by nature",
as it were, and I don't think we have to worry about it changing.
> But doing this now in a 1.x release *by default* would be very
> unpleasant; having a special "make my sonames Debian ABI policy
> compatible" configure option seems somewhat perverse.
So far, I believe we have always recommended using Subversion in concert
with httpd 2.0 (if using mod_dav_svn) and apr 0.x. This change would
allow us to recommend using Subversion in concert with httpd 2.2 and apr
1.x as a second option.
Some distributions already started building apr with httpd 2.2 and apr
1.x, without having changed the Subversion soname (causing applications
linked normally against the Subversion libraries to potentially break
unpredictably, and applications linked with libtool against the
Subversion libraries to fail to run). If we change the default soname
for apr 1.x linkage, such distributions will be faced with a dilemma,
but I'm not sure that's our fault. And the dilemma doesn't seem *too*
bad; either you override our default and become binary-incompatible with
Debian, or you change the soname "gratuitously" and either deal with
coexistence or force a rebuild of Subversion-using applications,
something those distributions have already decided is okay.
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Received on Sun Mar 12 19:33:16 2006