[Philip Martin]
> >> SVNDEF = -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'
> >> CFLAGS = $(SVNDEF) ... continue with your other flags ...
> >> printf("this program was compiled from SVN revision %s\n",SVN_REV);
> I don't think we should be recommending that because I think it
> causes the svnversion command to get run each time the compiler is
> invoked.
Also, we should warn readers that $(shell) is specific to GNU make.
But while we're using features that may be GNU-specific, we can fix
your objection by using := rather than = in the assignment.
* www/faq.html (version-value-in-source): Use := in example Makefile
for efficiency. Clarify use of GNU-make-ism.
Index: faq.html
--- faq.html (revisione 18638)
+++ faq.html (copia locale)
@@ -1526,9 +1526,9 @@
You can incorporate it into your build or release process to get the
information you need into the source itself. For example, in a build
-environment based on <tt>make</tt>, add <a
+environment based on <tt>GNU make</tt>, add <a
->something like this</a> to your <tt>Makefile</tt>:</p>
+>something like this</a> to your <tt>Makefile</tt>:
@@ -1536,10 +1536,13 @@
## printf("this program was compiled from SVN revision %s\n",SVN_REV);
-SVNDEF = -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'
-CFLAGS = $(SVNDEF) ... continue with your other flags ...
+SVNDEF := -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'
+CFLAGS := $(SVNDEF) ... continue with your other flags ...
+(Note that this will not work on non-GNU versions of <tt>make</tt>.
+Don't use it if your build process needs to be portable.)</p>
<p>Or try this recipe:</p>
Received on Mon Feb 27 22:52:15 2006