Re: Ignoring space changes, but not all space changes
From: Julian Foad <>
Date: 2006-02-16 23:27:34 CET wrote:
Ah, but that's only true when the characters on either side concatenate into a
f ( - - x )
is equivalent to
f(- -x)
but they differ from
f (--x)
> This distinction corresponds to the GNU diff -b and -w options. [...]
Neither of those actually does what we want. Ignoring all space is unsafe,
In languages like C, what we need is:
Ignore spaces completely when they're between tokens that don't concatenate;
The sets of tokens that do and do not concatenate are language-specific.
> This is not really language-specific -- it's common to so many formats
I'm pretty much resigned to having these basic options because they are better
- Julian
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