WC modification detection is reading whole files
From: Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_btopenworld.com>
Date: 2006-02-16 23:03:12 CET
For a locally-modified file with keyword translation enabled, I noticed that
Shouldn't it notice that the file size and date are not as expected and return
svn_wc__versioned_file_modcheck() translates the file first (if KW or EOL
That's called from svn_wc_text_modified_p2() which first checks the time stamps
The upshot is that every touched translatable file (e.g., on Windows, every
We even translate every touched file with eol-style=native on Linux. This is
if (! svn_subst_translation_required (..., force_eol_check = TRUE))
Do we really need that force-eol-check?
Do we care about this inefficiency enough to do anything about it? Should I
Here's a practical example. In my Subversion trunk tree, with 11 files locally
$ svn st -q > /dev/null
$ touch subversion/libsvn_*/*.[ch]
$ svn st -q > /dev/null
These are in both cases repeatable times, when all the files are in the OS's
- Julian
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