On 2/14/06, Julian Foad <julianfoad@btopenworld.com> wrote:
> I had a quick peek in the list archives just now, but certainly not a thorough
> search. From what I see and what I remember of the last couple of times this
> came up, the discussions have always been the same as this one has been so far:
> one camp says "assert is good" and the other says "assert is evil" and nobody
> learns anything.
> I take this as a brush-off and a sign that either this discussion isn't welcome
> here, or I'm going about it the wrong way. Being tactless, probably; that's
> what I'm good at. If anyone thinks I should take this to a more appropriate
> forum, please say.
> Sorry for irritating you, Garrett. I don't want to fight. I really want to
> learn what the software world's best advice is on this matter, as much for my
> own education as for Subversion itself.
FWIW, I'm not referring to discussions about assert, I'm referring to
discussions about proactively checking for NULL arguments and things
like that, which we have discussed numerous times and the conclusion
has always been the status quo, we assume our API is used correctly
and if it isn't then we'll fail soon enough when we dereferrence a
NULL pointer. I see this as essentially the same as the situation
with asserts.
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Received on Wed Feb 15 00:14:16 2006