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svndiff1 committed - Just a friendly reminder about compatibility

From: Daniel Berlin <dberlin_at_dberlin.org>
Date: 2006-02-07 05:44:17 CET

Just a reminder that svndiff1 is the default on-disk diff encoding for
*newly created* repositories.

This means that unless you use svnadmin create --no-svndiff1, clients
built prior to today will *not* be able to access them through file://
(or if you do something like use an svnadmin from today to create the
repo, add a bunch of stuff, then transfer the repo elsewhere and try to
serve it using a 1.3.x/before today svnserve).

Note that this change has *no* effect on compatibility for *existing*
repos. Unless you dump and load, it will happily continue writing the
old, less space efficient encoding, to the repository. It also will
happily read both encodings with no problem, even if they are mixed in
the same repository (which isn't currently possible unless you did it
through magic, but it was at one point during development :P)

The wire protocol uses capabilities to specify whether the client/server
both support svndiff1, so there just isn't any problem at all there,
because we will only use svndiff1 encoding over the wire if both sides
claim to support it.

On the upside, the new diff encoding should reduce the overall size of
an average text based repo by about 30%. YMMV, of course :)

PS Julian, I believe I got it down to no spurious blank line changes
before committing, but my eyes aren't that good :P

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Received on Tue Feb 7 05:45:02 2006

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