Garrett Rooney wrote:
> On 11/21/05, Daniel Berlin <> wrote:
>> Apparently, we need some official resolution on the issue of what to
>> name the tarballs, and whether to keep the double tarball (deps and
>> nodeps) regime.
>> I'm +1 on naming the "deps" tarball as regular, and make "nodeps" be the
>> suffixed one.
>> I'm +1 on dropping the nodeps tarball entirely.
> +1 on both of those options, leaning towards dropping the nodeps
> entirely because I just don't think it's worth the hassle and sticking
> with the current state of the union can't be that bad.
> Either way, we need to resolve this right now. This release has seen
> far too many delays as it is, and we need a tarball we can actually
> release to users.
I'm +1 on dropping the nodeps tarball entirely as well.
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Received on Mon Nov 21 19:05:15 2005