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SVN and NetWare moves along...

From: NormW <normw_at_bocnet.com.au>
Date: 2005-11-12 21:39:21 CET

Good morning All,
Based on Branko's advice, hopefully NetWare's APR is being fixed to make
rename() work properly again. (Apparently at one time it did, but that's
another story.)

By putting a patch into APR I can now get the 'merge' (from TortoiseSVN)
to work correctly (one small step for...) but a closer look at svnserve
to see why it won't unload on a NetWare box, and a few questions came to

- At the bottom of main.c there's a while (1) loop, with no visible exit
means on it; how do other platforms shut down 'svnserve'? (I'm using
'daemon' mode since that's the closest we have of the modes that are

- Once a thread is created for a connection, does it ever close?

- It seems there is nothing to prevent a shutdown in the middle of
request processing on a thread?

- Some MaxThreads count limit would be desirable I think.

If SVN 1.3 is still some distance off, can someone provide a link to the
latest RC2 please? If I'm going to 'doodle' on these matters with a view
to proposing patches then it is less wasted effort to use the 'latest'.
(I'm currently working on 1.2.3)


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Received on Sat Nov 12 21:39:33 2005

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