Philip Martin <> wrote on 11/02/2005 11:42:48 AM:
> Mark Phippard <> writes:
> > Stack: [0xaff57000,0xaffd8000), sp=0xaffd61e8, free space=508k
> > Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code,
C=native code)
> > C []
> > C []
> _ZN7Notify28onNotifyEPK15svn_wc_notify_tP10apr_pool_t+0x32c
> > C []
> _ZN7Notify26notifyEPvPK15svn_wc_notify_tP10apr_pool_t+0x31
> $ echo _ZN7JNIUtil21isJavaExceptionThrownEv | c++filt
> JNIUtil::isJavaExceptionThrown()
> $ echo _ZN7Notify28onNotifyEPK15svn_wc_notify_tP10apr_pool_t | c++filt
> Notify2::onNotify(svn_wc_notify_t const*, apr_pool_t*)
> Perhaps getEnv is returning NULL?
> The static bool stuff in JNIUtil::JNIInit looks a bit dodgy.
I have done some additional crash scenarios (commit, checkout) and they
produce the same strack trace.
As I am not a C programmer I cannot really analyze the code, but I would
think you are right. Perhaps it has something to do with the
SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK code that was added to the initialization. However,
none of that code should be compiled in the Linux version so it would seem
Also, I am still at a loss to explain what is different about Subclipse
using this and the test suite, although I imagine it has something to do
with why it works for some repositories and not others. That being said,
I hacked up a JUnit test that checks out that URL I have before and it
works fine. So maybe it is something to do with how the library is
initialized when it is run from Subclipse?
I can post an installable version of Subclipse for anyone that wants to
test this. You need this version because it has the required 1.3 changes
in it.
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Received on Wed Nov 2 19:22:09 2005