> From the rest of your reply, it appears that I shall have what I want when
> Subversion implements the repository-defined autoprops, because then I can
> simply define what to ignore on import ahead of time, have that propagate to
> the client with which I'm doing the import, and then perform the import on my
> uncleaned tree. Right?
Yes, to the extent that global-ignores and auto-props can help you. Personally
I would never expect (except in simple cases) to be able to get the exact
result I want through just those settings, so I would use "add" instead of
"import", then "revert" any files that I don't want added (and this will leave
them on my disk), review and adjust the properties of everything, and finally
commit the tree. I really do recommend that approach. I would be quite happy
if Subversion didn't have the "import" command.
> So, basically, I can eliminate needing to do what I want (mostly) if I set up
> the global-ignores ahead of time, and I shall be even more happy when I can
> do that on a per-repo basis?
Yes. There still will be occasions when one would like to remove a file from
version control and have it not be removed from working copies, but I suspect
they will not be frequent or bothersome enough to warrant a special feature.
- Julian
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Received on Sun Oct 23 19:25:04 2005