RE: Client side hook scripts [Was: Proposal for $Revision$ keyword amendment, "global" revnums, etc...]
From: Janulewicz, Matthew <>
Date: 2005-10-13 18:12:55 CEST
I haven't been following this thread much, so sorry if I'm repeating anything anyone else has said, but ClearCase uses client side hooks, and it is a big can of worms, just from a user/admin standpoint.
At the time I was a ClearCase admin, it had built in perl and used that as the hook script language as choice, but if someone already had perl installed and in their path, different modules strewn about, etc... you may find yourself writing a lot of code to verify the user's environment. Not fun.
Also, and to ClearCase's credit, you have to make different provisions for different platforms. If you were in a windows and Unix shop, you basically had to have two sets of scripts, one for each platform (unless your script was, uh, 'unisex', which was a third possibility.)
The implementation was powerful, involved and took a while to master (not to mention the training!) but it did work. With all the user-end stuff to consider, I couldn't imagine what a huge undertaking it would be on the Subversion developer's end to implement something like this. It might be neat, but to tell you the truth, in my three years as a ClearCase admin, I don't remember coming across anything where I *needed* client side scripts.
-----Original Message-----
On 10/11/05, Miha Vitorovic wrote:
No. I think client side hook scripts are a much bigger can of worms :-).
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