On Tue, 4 Oct 2005 jug@schlund.de wrote:
> i have a problem using TortoiseSVN (but the same problem also appeared with
> subclipse). I've reported the problem already on the
> TortoiseSVN-mailinglist and also got an answer (blaming svnserve),
> see for my data about my environment, tcpdumps, etc:
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=20939
> got the following answer:
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=20943
> The answer states that in an older subversion (as i am using), there
> is/was a problem with forked svnserve-instances that do not disappear, and
> so "blocking" the SVN-server for further client-calls. I've again tested
> it and indeed, those additional svnserve-processes are forked on the
> server, and don't disappear. That causes the server to hang for further
> client
> requests.
> Can you please help me, i'm running out of ideas, what i can do to fix or
> avoid this situation. We wanted to use SVN as versioning system here
> at our group at the university. But it's not possible to use it with this
> client-timeouts.
If the bug is in an old version of Subversionm, then why don't you try the
latest version?
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Received on Tue Oct 4 23:19:58 2005