On 8/28/05, D.J. Heap <djheap@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks...using the patch I get this now:
> D:\Projects\Subversion>python.exe .\gen-make.py -t vcproj
> --vsnet-version=2005 --with-httpd=d:\projects\apache\httpd --w
> ith-zlib=D:\Projects\Apache\zlib122
> --with-openssl=D:\Projects\Apache\httpd\srclib\openssl --enable-nls
> Generating for VS.NET 2005
> Found libdb42.lib in db4-win32\lib
> Found installed perl version number.
> Perl bindings will be linked with perl58.lib
> Could not find installed SWIG, assuming version 1.3.25
> Could not find ML, ZLib build will not use ASM sources
> 'swig.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> swig.exe not found; skipping SWIG file generation...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File ".\gen-make.py", line 225, in ?
> main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
> File ".\gen-make.py", line 35, in main
> generator.compute_hdr_deps()
> File "build\generator\gen_base.py", line 148, in compute_hdr_deps
> include_deps = IncludeDependencyInfo(self.compute_hdrs())
> File "build\generator\gen_base.py", line 876, in __init__
> self._deps[fname] = self._scan_for_includes(fname)
> File "build\generator\gen_base.py", line 917, in _scan_for_includes
> for line in fileinput.input(fname):
> File "C:\Python24\lib\fileinput.py", line 231, in next
> line = self.readline()
> File "C:\Python24\lib\fileinput.py", line 320, in readline
> self._file = open(self._filename, "r")
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> 'subversion\\bindings\\swig\\proxy\\swigrun.swg'
Can you try removing the subversion\bindings\swig\proxy directory and
refreshing it from trunk? I wasn't able to reproduce this problem on
Windows or Linux.
> I can look at it a little closer myself in a day or two, but just
> don't have time right now, sorry.
Sure, no problem!
David James -- http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~james
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Received on Mon Aug 29 03:00:34 2005