D.J. Heap wrote:
>If swig.exe is not in the path and not specified on the commandline
>then I get this exception:
>D:\Projects\Subversion>python.exe .\gen-make.py -t vcproj
>--vsnet-version=2005 --with-httpd=d:\projects\apache\httpd
>--with-openssl=D:\Projects\Apache\httpd\srclib\openssl --enable-nls
>Generating for VS.NET 2005
>Found libdb42.lib in db4-win32\lib
>Found installed perl version number.
> Perl bindings will be linked with perl58.lib
>Could not find installed SWIG, assuming version 1.3.25
>Could not find ML, ZLib build will not use ASM sources
>'swig.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>operable program or batch file.
Ho hum. I suppose the SWIG generator should notice that it can't run
swig, and just not generate any bindings code. This might be a
Windows-only bug, though.
-- Brane
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Received on Sun Aug 28 22:16:38 2005