Ph. Marek wrote:
>On Wednesday 17 August 2005 23:05, Branko Čibej wrote:
>>Ph. Marek wrote:
>>>On Wednesday 17 August 2005 11:23, Branko Čibej wrote:
>>>> * What happens if I want to "svn mv REPOS_URL/macos-resource-forks
>>>> REPOS_URL/macos-rsrc"? And what if I do this with a client that's
>>>> not aware of the convention?
>>>As you only change the *name* of something, the attributes describing
>>>where to find the resource-forks stay the same.
>>You missed the point here -- this is renaming the directory where the
>>resource forks files are stored.
>Oh, I see.
>Yes, you're right.
>That could be a problem.
>But I see that on the same lane as
> svn mv REPOS_URL/trunk REPOS_URL/something-else
>ie. an operation which is guaranteed to make troubles :-)
It is a completely different kind of problem, because it doesn't break
the repository.
>If the /resource-forks path is defined (eg as attribute on REPOS_URL), the
>attributs could be relative to that path - renaming this path would take
>another propset, and everythings ok.
No, a client that's not aware of this convention won't change the prop,
and will break the repository.
-- Brane
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Received on Thu Aug 18 08:20:05 2005