Ph. Marek wrote:
>Regarding the way resource forks and xattrs could be done in the repository
>I'd like to present an idea.
>First I assume the standard layout in the repository -
> /trunk
> /tags
> /branches
>Then there is some file, say
> /trunk/dir/file
>When this gets committed from a resource-fork-aware machine, the pathname in
>the repository gets hashed to a md5-sum:
> $ echo -n "/trunk/dir/file" | md5sum
> 71523811009e11f8674bda76bfe2bc93
>So a complete tree of forks/attributes can be stored in eg.
> /macos-resource-forks/71/52/3811009e11f8674bda76bfe2bc93/
This is a terrible idea.
* There's no guarantee that the names will be unique.
* What happens when I "svn cp REPOS_URL/trunk
REPOS_URL/branches/fubar"? Right, you mention that the client does
the necessary magic (a *lot* of magic, so "only client changes
required" is an undernstatement)
* What happens if I want to "svn mv REPOS_URL/macos-resource-forks
REPOS_URL/macos-rsrc"? And what if I do this with a client that's
not aware of the convention?
-- Brane
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Received on Wed Aug 17 11:24:47 2005