On 8/4/05, troy d. straszheim <troy@resophonic.com> wrote:
> Here's a new version: on my machine, at the end, it shows that things
> are garbled... rhmmm. I'm going to try this on a linux box as well.
> -t
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys
> import os
> import getopt
> import pprint
> #os.putenv("PYTHONPATH", "/Users/troy/Projects/svn-install/lib/svn-python")
> #os.putenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/Users/troy/Projects/svn-install/lib")
> from svn import fs, core, repos
> os.system("rm -rf /tmp/temp_repo temp_checkout")
> os.system("svnadmin create /tmp/temp_repo")
> os.system("svn co file:///tmp/temp_repo ./temp_checkout")
> os.chdir("./temp_checkout")
> os.system("svn propset svn:externals \"short /external\" .")
> os.system("svn commit -m first_rev_has_external")
> os.system("svn propset svn:externals \"this_one /is_really_really_really_long_and_comes_out_completely_garbled\" .")
> os.system("svn commit -m next_rev_has_empty_external")
> repos_ptr = repos.open("/tmp/temp_repo", core.Pool())
> fsob = repos.fs(repos_ptr)
> young_root = fs.revision_root(fsob, 2, core.Pool())
> old_root = fs.revision_root(fsob, 1, core.Pool())
> young_props = fs.node_proplist(young_root, "/", core.Pool())
> old_props = fs.node_proplist(old_root, "/", core.Pool())
> oldprop = old_props["svn:externals"]
> assert(young_props.has_key("svn:externals"))
> youngprop = young_props["svn:externals"]
> if old_props["svn:externals"] != young_props["svn:externals"]:
> print "gah."
> print len(young_props["svn:externals"])
> print "this external should be garbled: >>>%(external)s<<<" % { 'external' : youngprop }
Wow! Thanks for the detailed test case, Troy! I've fixed this by
turning SVN strings into real python strings, instead of pointers to
"pool memory".
Fixed in r15595.
David James -- http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~james
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Received on Thu Aug 4 23:59:59 2005