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Re: svn commit --non-recursive dir_path gives error "Cannot non-recursively commit a directory deletion"

From: John Peacock <jpeacock_at_rowman.com>
Date: 2005-07-26 21:11:31 CEST

Greg Hudson wrote:
> If I'm not totally misreading this statement, it's completely false.

I'm assuming you're referring to this portion:

> There is no way to perform disjoint operations in a single atomic commit, just so you can have those operations in the same revision.

and I agree that is too harsh. I should have included a few weasle
words like this:

There is no [easy] way to perform [certain] disjoint operations [with
the commandline client] in a single atomic commit, just so you can have
those operations in the same revision [unless you specify each affected
file directly].

As Julian pointed out, it is definitely possible to do with with clever
shell commands to build the commandline arguments for you. It just
isn't possible to mix inherently recursive actions (like deleting a
directory) with non-recursive actions.

I should have also mentioned svk (which makes this easier because it
unrolls the recursive changes and lets you edit the set of files in the
commit) as well as the other possible way to preserve local changes:

        $ svn diff dir_with_local_changes > local_changes.diff
        $ svn revert -R dir_with_local_changes
        $ svn ci -m 'all changes for this commit'
        $ patch -p0 -i local_changes.diff

which only works if the local changes only involve changes and not
moving files or deletes (though I think adds work, right?).


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Received on Tue Jul 26 21:12:06 2005

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