Edmund Horner <ejrh00@gmail.com> writes:
> kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> > Would anyone object if I turned HACKING into www/hacking.html, and
> > left a pointer in the old file? While the old-school aesthetics of
> > the plaintext are wonderfully cozy, and I know we'll always feel a
> > certain nostalgia for it, it's, y'know, hard to refer to specific
> > sections directly.
> I think you should add a notice to the top of HACKING to say, "HACKING
> is now maintained as www/hacking.html" (or something), because some
> people may get the source and see HACKING, and not realise that it's now
> in www.
Yes, that's what the phrase "left a pointer in the old file" above
means (and that's what I did).
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Received on Fri Jul 22 07:07:28 2005