At 05:20 PM 05/07/2005 -0500, Sussman wrote:
>Several folks have asked for this feature before, but the motivation
>has always been, "please convert this tree into a working-copy,
>because I don't want to re-download 17 gigs of data."
>Your patch doesn't avoid downloading at all; it just prevents the
>downloaded text-base from being copied on top of the pre-existing
>working file.
Well, basically, to avoid downloading existing content, the file's props
would need to be checked to determine what, if any, translation is in
effect, and then the content would need to be hashed on the other side of a
detranslation stream and the result compared against the hash from the
server. Does this sound about right? I don't think this would be impossible
to do. However, it would require extensive plumbing much earlier in the
request lifetime. Currently, the props are only guaranteed to have been
transferred at the 'close-file' handler, by which time the file's contents
have already been transferred from the server.
The client would have to retrieve a list of files (w/ their hashes) from
the server as a separate step, and compare that with what was already on
the local filesystem.
Am I missing anything?
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Received on Wed Jul 6 04:49:36 2005