Ping! (I'm just looking through mail and seeing no response to this.)
SteveKing wrote:
> Hi,
> For some time now, we got repeated reports about merges failing with
> TSVN. Those could usually get resolved by deactivating virus scanners or
> closing other apps. Bad thing was, we never really found out *why* the
> merge was failing with the error
> svn: can't open 'tmp': Access is denied.
> But yesterday, someone (Andrej Ota) found out that this happens because
> Subversion tries to create the 'tmp' folder where the user doesn't have
> write access to.
> Further investigation showed that Subversion uses the cwd instead of the
> temp directory to create its temporary folders and files. This might not
> be a big problem for the CL client, but it is for TSVN. You see, TSVN is
> started from the explorer, and the explorer doesn't really have a cwd
> because any program can change it - especially the windows media player
> changes it to C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA (where a non-Admin user doesn't have
> write access). So when the explorer starts TSVN, TSVN then automatically
> gets the same cwd as the explorer.
> Just so you see that's not a TSVN bug I created a script with the CL
> client to show you the bug:
> - create a directory 'D:\testreadonly', then remove write access for the
> currently logged in user, only leave read access
> # cd D:\testreadonly
> # mkdir D:\test
> # svn co
> d:\test\en
> # svn merge
> d:\test\en
> svn: can't open 'tmp': Access is denied.
> I've now implemented a workaround in TSVN so the cwd always points to a
> folder where the current user has write access, but Subversion really
> should use the temp directory for merges too.
> (FYI: both the TMP and the TEMP env variable are set on my system to a
> folder in my user dir where I have full write access).
> All this with svn 1.2.0.
> Stefan
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Received on Tue Jul 5 14:23:36 2005