> Can anybody tell me why subversion acts different if I remove a file and
> add a file with the same name in the same commit (this results in a 'R'
> status) or if I remove the file and try to do an 'svn cp' where the target
> is the removed file (this results in an warning/error)?
> Here an example which might make it easier to understand my question:
> $ svn rm A.txt
> D A.txt
> $ cp B.txt A.txt
> $ svn add A.txt
> A A.txt
> $ svn st
> R A.txt
> $ svn revert A.txt
> $ svn rm A.txt
> D A.txt
> $ svn cp B.txt A.txt
> svn: 'A.txt' is scheduled for deletion; it must be committed before being
> overwritten
No -- that is very odd, and I also do not know why we are inconsistent.
Either the 'svn add' in your first example should give an error, or
the 'svn cp' in the second example should not. Or so I would have
Does anyone know what's going on here?
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Received on Mon May 30 16:57:58 2005