Denial of service using SVNServe on WinXp
From: Ayende Rahien <>
Date: 2005-05-13 03:43:29 CEST
Here is the scenario, I've a WinXP Pro computer that I used to run SVN &
After investigating a little bit, I found out that after a while, it seems
@echo off
set /a Count = 1
echo Trying for the #%Count%
Set /A Count=%Count%+1
svn log -v -r "{2005-04-29T17:03:05Z}:{2005-05-01T06:30:16Z}" --xml
if errorlevel = 1 goto exit
goto start
I run this thingie, and at iteration 1200 - 1500, I get a machine shutdown!
I mean a hard shutdown, the kind where you need to push the power button to
I've no idea what is causing this, but I'm able to reproduce it reliably.
There is nothing else that runs on this machine, btw.
Any ideas ??
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