kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>Tobias Ringström <tobias@ringstrom.mine.nu> writes:
>>>In my short history with svn, I have seen: svn:ingore, svn:external,
>>>svn:eolstyle... things like that.
>>This sounds like the perfect job for a pre-commit hook script. There's
>>some sample code in tools/hook-scripts if you'd like to write one
>>yourself. If you do, we'd be happy to add it to tools/hook-scripts. It
>>would be a nice addition.
>Ideally, this would be caught by our client libraries. After all,
>Subversion owns the "svn:*" space. We can disallow properties as well
>as allow them, and catching obvious errors as early as possible is
>always nice.
>The problem is coming up with a statistically useful set of
>misspellings. Obviously, we can't just prohibit any "svn:" property
>we don't know about, because then older clients wouldn't work with
>future properties that haven't been invented yet. So if we disallow
>any properties, we must disallow a well-defined, documented set.
>Given the difficulty of predicting misspellings, I'm not sure it's
>worth the trouble. (Although on the other hand, Google did purchase
>"goolge.com", for example.)
>In the meantime, as Tobias points out, anyone is free to solve this as
>they wish in a pre-commit hook. That's a good workaround.
One approach may be allow the user to "add" new svn:properties to an
allow list, much like spell checkers let us add words to dictonaries.
That way new props could be introduced and only be flagged as errors
once while miss-spelt ones would still be handled as errors.
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Received on Fri Apr 29 11:48:25 2005