Hi Andy,
Andy Cutright wrote:
>hi all,
>is anyone actively testing javahl & the svnClientAdapter on AIX? i'm
>getting a core dump due to a SIGILL and i'm wondering if this is
>something i'm doing (oh so very likely) or a known issue. i don't see
>anything mentioned in the issue tracker. i've been able to get this code
>compiled & running on solaris/ hp-ux/ win XP.
>1XHFULLVERSION J2RE 1.4.1 IBM AIX build ca1411ifx-20041029a
>1XHCURRENTTHD Current Thread Details
>NULL ----------------------
>2XHCURRSYSTHD "main" sys_thread_t:0x3000D928
>NULL ------------
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD3DC1E90 in
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39FE914 in mmipInvoke_V_J
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39FA210 in mmipInvokeLazyJniMethod
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39C6370 in mmipExecuteJava
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39BE92C in xeRunJniMethod
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39F6F58 in invokeJniMethod
>3XHSTACKLINE at 0xD39F0D4C in jni_CallStaticVoidMethod
>1XHOPENV Operating Environment
>NULL ---------------------
>2XHCPUS Processors -
>3XHCPUARCH Architecture : POWER_PC (impl: POWER_630, ver:
>3XHNUMCPUS How Many : 4
>i'm using the IBM xl* compilers, version 6. i can get subversion itself
>running properly, but that's straight C code. there doesn't appear to be
>much support in the javahl configuration for the xl* compilers, so i've
>hacked up a makefile myself. it's quite possible my linkage is wrong,
>and i'm exploring that.
>i'm a bit curious about the javahl implementation. i see a C++ object
>being cast as a long & passed to the VM. does passing a C++ object this
>way make an assumption about the underlying VM implementation?
It should not. I cast the pointer/address of the C++ object to a jlong,
which is 64 bits long. That should be long enough even for a 64 bit
machine. I am reversing the cast (jlong to SVNClient*) later to get the
address of the C++ object back. Your crash is not in this area. It
chrashes during JNIUtil::JNIInit. If you could build javahl with
debugging information, maybe the stack trace will reveal the exact point
of the crash. It is a time, since I last worked on AIX, so I am not
current on any specifics.
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Received on Thu Apr 7 07:59:51 2005