Greg Hudson wrote:
>On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 16:39, Branko Čibej wrote:
>>So, a while ago there was a discussion on the GCC list and later on
>>#svn-dev about how "svn diff" output should be sorted.
>Also see and
> and their follow-ups.
>>At the time, I naïvely thought that sorting the entries list and
>>returning a modified hash table that supports in-order traversal would
>>do the trick. Then I went digging into the code, and it turns out that's
>>not enough. Unfortunately, our public APIs return an apr_hash_t. And,
>>this not being C++, there's no way to override that tables traversal order.
>We have svn_sort__hash(). It's used in libsvn_subr/hash.c for hash
>dumps, for instance.
Yes, but using this would mean we'd have to re-sort the table every time
it's modified, which is a) inefficient, and b) doesn't work because we
don't _know_ that the client modified the table (and that's another
reason why we shouldn't return a pointer straight into the entries cache
from the client).
-- Brane
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Received on Tue Feb 22 23:18:15 2005