Jostein, can you please check r13085? I updated the installer's path
layout to match what we'll have in 1.2, and I seriously reorganised
svn_dynamics.iss so that locating the binary directory no longer means
you have to change the whole file.
Branko Čibej wrote:
> Hi Jostein,
> I'm playing around with the Windows installer files on trunk, and they
> seem to be inconsistent. For example:
> * svn.iss refers to the symbol path_locale, whis is not defined in
> templates/svn_dynamics.iss
> * svn.iss uses svn_revision adn svn_pretxtrevision, but
> templates/svn_version.iss defines svn_release and svn_pretxtrelease.
> Can you please check if you've really committed all your local changes
> to the repository?
-- Brane
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Received on Sun Feb 20 02:09:40 2005