Nicklas Norling wrote:
> Greg Stein wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 05:00:27PM +0100, Branko ??ibej wrote:
>>> Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> And, there is the fundamental problem: we have no way of
>>>> guaranteeing cross-platform strong encryption. If Win32 can do
>>>> this, then just add a Win32-only provider. Yet, one API that has
>>>> strong encryption on Win32, but ROT-13 on Unix is incredibly
>>>> dangerous.
>>> Why? I know I said "encrypt the password", but what I really mean is
>>> "handle sensitive data",
>> Frankly, I'd rather see Neon grow an understanding of how to send an
>> challenge/response. Then SVN could simply use Windows' single sign-on,
>> assuming that Apache was also configured with mod_ntlm or somesuch.
> Is this what you where looking for?
> /Nicke
Wow. This looks like it, all right. Now if only Apache grew a module
that could handle this on Unix (passing on to an NT domain or ADS server)...
-- Brane
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Received on Thu Feb 17 13:12:46 2005