On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 18:22 +0000, Hugh Gibson wrote:
> > Hugh, are you interested in applying Daniel's patches and
> > going through a dump/load cycle to see the effect on your
> > execution times?
> Unfortunately I don't have control of the server so it would be a bit
> difficult for me to put a new server version in place.
> > If you'll recall, we weren't sure that your bottleneck was client-side.
> I'm happy to do client-side tests - when I get some time.....
You won't get any speedup from just replcaing the client, since it's
still going to receive only vdelta based svndiffs if you don't replace
the server.
If you can tar and rzip (which is ideal for large repos, gcc's repo is
711 meg rzip'd, 4.9 gig not rzip'd, http://rzip.samba.org) your repo and
make it available to me somehow, i'm happy to do the dump and loads,
etc, to see if it speeds up blame for you.
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Received on Sat Feb 12 20:11:36 2005