> I'm having the darnedest time parsing this.
> Allow me to be more verbose about what I was thinking:
> - Make a branch in the main Subversion repository (at
> svn.collab.net) based on the 1.1.x branch. Call the branch
> /branches/ebcdic/.
What I would like to see is a branch created named
/branches/ebcdic/branches/1.1.x that is copied from the 1.1.x branch. We
would only synch this with the main branch when new releases are made, such
as 1.1.4.
Then, at some point further down the road, I would copy trunk to
/branches/ebcdic/trunk and start porting our code from the 1.1.x branch
back to the trunk. We would first work on porting the code, and probably
just commit it all in a handful of commits, depending on how well that
goes. All of the locking code will be in there at the point we do this, so
that will be a lot of new code to evaluate and port.
Ongoing, we would probably make a 1.2.x branch when you get to that point.
Ideally, we would be caught up with trunk near the time you get to that
point, so this would be handled the same way you do it. We would just
synch our trunk with the main trunk on a periodic interval as you are doing
with the locking branch, probably less frequently.
So what we would be doing is "mirroring" the structure of the mainline
under the ebcdic branch.
Hopefully by the time we get to a 1.3 release a good amount of the code
will have been incorporated into the mainline trunk and the ebcdic branch
can slowly go away.
> - Grant partial commit access (to the branch only) for you and your
> developers.
> - Watch as you plunk that massive diff file atop your new branch
> and commit up.
> I want only to avoid the rest of the community getting 50 commit
> mails/day with tiny little iterative changes that could have been
> grouped together into larger sets.
That all sounds great. Frankly, we would probably rather commit in large
chunks so I do not see that as a problem. The only reason I could see us
doing smaller commits is to comply with your standards that I see regularly
enforced on this list. I think I understand your intent though.
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Received on Fri Feb 11 02:33:43 2005