On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
> What do you mean by "modification"? What about a Linux distribution which
> ships a slightly edited version (some extra patch, some tweaking to defaults,
> etc)? Will you ask Debian to rename its packages to something which rimes
> with subversion?
For what it's worth, the Apache httpd developers went through a period of
time where people kept filing bugs and complaining about the debian
tarball that was not the stock httpd, but httpd plus a bunch of other
patches and modules that was not very well put together. That packaging
made Apache look bad, and IMHO yeah they should have called it something
else. I don't know if this is still the case, but just "some extra patch,
some tweaking to defaults" is often not harmless. Clearly if the SVN
project puts together its own .debs, the chances of a similar problem
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Received on Tue Feb 8 05:25:51 2005